The Men’s Section was officially formulated in November 2022, following detailed preliminary work to determine its viability. The key objective in formulating the Section, the largest in the Club with 475 members (2023), was to represent male members, including having a committee which was solely responsible for men’s matters and activities, including competitions.
Administering all aspects of Men’s Section matters is the Committee, who are voted into office at the AGM, which is held each November. The Committee is chaired by the Men’s Captain, has a Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and representatives from Rabbits and Seniors sections.
There are a large number of competitions and team matches available to male members, in addition to the Rabbits and Seniors events administered by their own committees. For the lower handicap golfers, there is the opportunity to represent the Club with 1st and 2nd Team golf, where you compete against the other teams in HDUGC (Harrogate & District Union of Golf Clubs).
The 1st Team compete for the Scratch league and overall team league (singles and pairs scores combined). The 2nd Team competes for the Bainbridge Shield, won by Knaresborough in 2021 and 2022.
HDUGC Division Championships (D1, D2 and D3) are played annually at different venues and give players of all handicap levels the opportunity to be selected to represent the Club.
At a club level, there are a large amount of competitions to choose from, including knockout competitions that give you the opportunity to compete on the prestigious Finals Day: an occasion to savour.
If, as a KGC Member, you go to the Men’s Section in the Members Area of our website, you will find Committee details, Team results and a competition diary.